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speeches : 2002-2007

speeches : 2002-2007

le (éditeur) Simone Veil (auteur)

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Speeches 2002-2007 «Simone Veil has spoken on very different stages and subjects, and before extremely diverse audiences. The speeches collected here represent only a fraction of her public adresses : those given over the last six years in her capacity as president of the Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah.Having written those last words, I must immediately correct myself : when our president discusses the Shoah, she is firstly and always Madame Veil, the Auschwitz survivor, matured and enriched by her French and international political experience, who speaks from the heart about her own memory and her own thoughts.Alone, the typed pages of these speeches doubtless lack her gaze, her gravitas, and the singular tone of her stories, which always move deeply those who listen. And yet, I'm convinced that these words laid down as text will lose nothing of their depth or authenticity. I do not doubt that the reader will hear them, reflect upon them, and, I hope, be inspired by them.»

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