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mimi, fifi & glouglou. a short treatise on tasting

mimi, fifi & glouglou. a short treatise on tasting

Ed. de l'Epure (éditeur) Michel Tolmer (auteur)

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The immoderate love of wine can result in a certain abuse. But in the case of Mimi, Fifi and Glouglou, it's not even that they drink too much, but that they drink all the time. They only care about « La dégustation », it haunts their every dream, it is a passion that rules above all else.To taste the wines, to compare them, to put into words those fleeting and elusive sensations and above all, the holy grail... to recognise a wine through blind tasting, its appellation, its vintage, the vigneron and, if possible, the Christian name of his sister- in-law.Alas, this exercise maintains its own deceptions. Mimi, Fifi and Glouglou will demonstrate ignorance, presumption, bad faith, continued failure, but this never discourages them, because opening a bottle in the expectation of what surprises it may hold, is one of the most delicious pleasures in existence.

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