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project hub : the architecture of new mobilities

project hub : the architecture of new mobilities

MetisPresses (éditeur) Dominique Rouillard (auteur) Alain Guiheux (auteur)

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Mobilities transform urban life and the production of space and architecture. In the society of exchanges, hubs are the main receptacles of these ongoing transformations. They foreshadow global developments in the city of sustainable travel at a time of on-board digital communication and smart flows. Project Hub does not once again describe the urbanism of transport or the complexity of networks, but addresses the unavoidable question : how will more than thirty potential modes of mobility coexist and connect with one another in a single place, in the same way as data gets exchanged in the virtual and ubiquitous space of our smartphones ?The train stations of the Japanese megalopolis, by their history and their overdevelopment, were in the 20th century the future, and are now the past of this kind of infrastructures. Doomed to be upset by the variety of the new sustainable mobilities, they appear to be the privileged ground for projecting the transformation of the mobility hub of the near future, which does not yet exist and must be brought about.

Complétez la collection (105 art.)

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